Adult Day Program

Socialization, Engagement, and Fun: Discover the Benefits of Maplewood’s Adult Day Program

Explore the Benefits of Maplewood’s Adult Day Program.

Adult Day Program (ADP) provides a day out for older adults living at home who require support to participate in recreational, physical, and social activities. Adult Day Program provides a hot meal, refreshments, medication assistance, exercise, and assistance with personal care. The emphasis is on person-centered care, where the safety and well-being of clients is the primary focus.

In addition to providing the client with a great day, caregivers benefit from supportive education opportunities and time away for caregiving responsibilities, giving time to relax and reduce stress. This helps caregivers to enjoy better life balance.

ADP is located at MSA Manor and is from Monday to Friday from 8:00AM – 4:00PM. There are 17 spaces funded by Fraser Health. The program is open to people living in Abbotsford and surrounding communities at a nominal cost.

What to Expect from a Typical Day

We’re dedicated to providing exceptional care to our residents, and we’re committed to ensuring their health and well-being.

8:00AM – 9:30AM Arrive
9:45AM Snack: Coffee/Tea/Muffin/Fruit
10:30AM Strong Bones – Seated fitness class
11:00AM Cognitive Programs: Bingo, Wheel of Fortune, Giant Crossword, Armchair Travel, Reminisce and more.
12:00PM Lunch
1:00PM Variety of popular programs: Sing Along, Arts & Crafts, Entertainment, Shuffle Bowling, Bocce, Mini Golf, Air Hockey and more.
2:00PM Light Refreshment
2:30PM Social Hour
3:00PM – 4:00PM End of Day

How To Attend The Day Program Here At MSA Manor?

If you wish to attend our program, you will need to be referred through your local home Health office at 604-556-5000. Clients will then be referred to our program by their community care practitioner, assess to see if they are suitable and then contacted when a spot becomes available.